
Somerset Voices

Welcome to the Somerset Voices oral history archive website.


The archive is a unique collection of over 500 recordings of twentieth century Somerset life.


Recording began in the 1970s, and the collection captures the distinctive life of Somerset people, told through their own memories and voices.


The recordings give details of past occupations, pastimes, customs and events. Somerset’s horsehair weaving, basket-making, willow industry, peat-digging, wassailing, farming and cider-making are all described.


Listening to the archive allows you to discover how major events touched the lives of ordinary people.


What impact did the Second World War have on Somerset?  How did the arrival of tractors change farming in the county?


Collage image of contributors to the Somerset Voices project.



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Copyright: Contributors' introductions and audio recordings are copyright ©SRLM. The recordings on this site are for private listening only; copying, broadcasting or reproduction is prohibited. All photographs unless otherwise stated are copyright ©SRLM.